Why families love the quintessential ski town of Breckenridge, CO

Why families love the quintessential ski town of Breckenridge, CO

Challenge is a good thing for all ages on vacation and Breckenridge offers it up in spades, whatever the kids’ ages and ability — from the Four O’clock run, which is 3.5 miles long, the terrain parks, the kids’ trails through the trees and kids’ terrain features with names like Rip’s Ravine and Dragon Trail.

Mammoth Still Formidable in California Drought

Mammoth Still Formidable in California Drought

With a trip to Mammoth planned back in October, it never occurred to me that in a few months I’d be hearing news about one of the worst droughts in California history. Sure, that’s bad news for the state’s water supply, bad news for agriculture, bad news for just about every facet of life. But most importantly — it’s bad news for ski trips. Call me an only child.

At Deer Valley, the consensus seems to be no snowboarders

At Deer Valley, the consensus seems to be no snowboarders

The families I met here like Deer Valley—one of Park City’s three ski resorts— because of the groomed runs but more important, because there are no snowboarders allowed. Deer Valley, in fact, is one of only three resorts in the country that don’t allow snowboarders.