Eileen recently presented to the Society of American Travel Writers annual meeting in Indianapolis. She received this note from the program coordinator.
To: Eileen Ogintz
Subject: Thanks from SATW!
Hey Eileen,
Finally home from SATW in Indy and wanted to thank you so much for being our guest speaker….
We always have professional development evaluation forms for members and your sessions were tops!
Our members said that Indy’s PD was about the best SATW has ever offered and I am so grateful to you for helping make it so successful.
Members were asked to rate PD sessions from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest and were asked to make comments. Your sessions got tons of tens. One commenter said that your session was among the most useful PD ever at an SATW conference. Another commenter said he learned so many valuable tips from you. Several associates said that you gave a wonderful balance in aiming your talk at both associates and actives. That is not always easy to do.
Now when I read your writing, I can remember meeting you in person and enjoying traveling with you in Indy.
Thanks again for everything!
Best regards,
Jackie Sheckler Finch