Moab, Utah isn’t just about the adrenaline rush of mountain biking or rafting. The drives between your adventures can be just as breathtaking! Here are some scenic routes to wind your way through the red rock wonderland:

1. The Colorado River Upstream or Downstream: Upper Colorado River Scenic Byway (Highway 128): Locally known as “River Road,” this nationally recognized scenic byway is a classic Moab drive. Cruise north alongside the Colorado River, with towering canyon walls on one side and the La Sal Mountains on the other. Stop at spots like the Fisher Towers for photos, or pull off at a campground for a riverside picnic.

2. Potash Road
(Highway 279): This is 128’s lonelier cousin. It hugs the river even closer, with narrow canyons and dramatic rock formations. You’ll spot climbers on the cliffs and petroglyphs etched into the rock. Keep an eye out for the “Corona Arch” trailhead – a moderate hike to a stunning natural arch.

3. Dead Horse Point State Park & Canyonlands National Park
Highway 313: This dead-end drive isn’t long, and the two park options pack a drop-dead gorgeous punch. Dead Horse Point State Park, where you get a panoramic view of the Colorado River canyon that’s straight off a postcard. Time your visit for sunrise or sunset for extra magic. Further down the road is Canyonlands National Park with Mesa Arch and Grand View Point Overlook.

4. La Sal Mountain Loop:Highway 128 to La Sal Loop Road: This drive takes you UP. You’ll climb from the desert floor into the alpine scenery of the La Sal Mountains. Expect forests, meadows, and in the right season, a burst of wildflowers. The loop itself is partially unpaved, but if you’re up for it, the views from the top are well worth it.

Tips for Your Moab Drives:

Gas Up: There aren’t many services along these routes, so fill up in Moab before heading out. Take Your Time: Pull over at the many viewpoints to soak in the scenery. Bring Snacks and Water: Picnics with a view are a must! Check Road Conditions: Some of these routes may have closures, especially after snow or rain.
These are just a few ideas – Moab is full of scenic surprises.  So, roll down your windows, turn up the tunes, and let the red rock beauty of Utah unfold before you!