Veterans, current military, and Gold Star Family members can also receive a free Military Pass to national parks and other federal recreation areas

The National Park Service (NPS) will host a variety of special events and provide free entrance to everyone on Saturday, Nov. 11 to commemorate Veterans Day. On Veterans Day, and throughout the year, U.S. military veterans and Gold Star Family members can obtain a free, lifetime entrance pass to all of the country’s national parks. Current military members and their dependents are eligible for a free annual pass.

“National parks are the living memory of our nation, the conscience of America, and many of them have direct relevance to the U.S. military and the sacrifices of those who served,” said National Park Service Director Chuck Sams. “Visits to national parks while I was a young sailor in the Navy were incredibly meaningful and formative. Seeing treasured natural and cultural landmarks firsthand connected me to our country’s shared history and provided inspiration to serve and defend.”

There are more than 100 national parks with strong ties to the U.S. military, including battlefields that recall bravery, monuments that stir patriotism, memorials that remember sacrifice, terrain that provided training grounds, and scenic areas that were set aside for relaxation and recreation. Many of them will hold special events on Veterans Day, including: