Each year, from mid-February to early March, the Sacramento region comes to life in a  breathtaking sea of pink and white almond blossoms, rivaling cherry blossom and superbloom season as it sweeps the U.S.

This fleeting yet stunning natural event, often referred to as “Valley Snow,” is not just a visual spectacle – it’s the foundation of California’s $6 billion almond industry, which amounts to ~80% of the global almond supply. 

Each year, more than 100,000 people flock to open almond orchards throughout the region, taking in the spectacle and learning about the foundation of the region’s rich agricultural contributions. At the heart of this bloom is Blue Diamond Growers, Sacramento-based and the world’s largest processor of almonds, playing a pivotal role in California’s position as the leading almond producer. As the blooms signal the start of a new growing season, they also highlight the industry’s impact on the state’s economy, Sacramento’s leadership in the farm-to-fork movement, and global exports.