Yesterday was a very sad day in our house. We had to say goodbye to our 11-year-old Lab Gus who had developed a very aggressive and painful bone cancer.
He was here for so many milestones in our kids’ lives I can’t even recall them all. We spent our last afternoon with Gus in the crisp, fall sunshine on our deck rubbing his belly and remembering all of the funny and annoying things he’d done through the years, all the while fielding tearful calls from our far flung kids.
Saying a final goodbye to someone who is part of your family is never easy. At least we know Gus had a good, long life and we had lots of excellent adventures with him at home and on the road. One time he even got lost at a Vermont ski resort because he went in search of the kind person who had given him crackers–in the deep snow. He typically overstayed his welcome at the many teen parties our kids hosted in our big downstairs playroom and even helped himself to some homemade pate one Thanksgiving.
Thanks for all the good times, Gus. We sure are going to miss you.