Making time for romance on vacation

Making time for romance on vacation

We step off our bungalow porch to the sand where beach chairs and hammocks await, we eat local dishes on an open terrace and enjoy nature-inspired spa treatments in a unique setting

Meeting locals the best way to explore

Meeting locals the best way to explore

One visit to Athens won’t cut it. “You’ve got to come back for a second visit,” says Spyros Kagkas. I might say the same about experiencing New York, San Francisco, or Paris

Wishing for snow? Pray to Ullr

Wishing for snow? Pray to Ullr

Some “experts” even suggest that the Aurora Borealis in the northern hemisphere is the spray from Ullr’s skis

Memories of South Africa Before Omicron

Memories of South Africa Before Omicron

Since the news broke that the first cases of the Omicron variant had been found in South Africa, I’ve been thinking more about the people we met on that trip

Holiday lights everywhere!

Holiday lights everywhere!

Let’s see where we can celebrate, whether we return to an annual tradition or make it an outing with relatives and friends you’ve been with over Thanksgiving