Baltimore is a great place for families to learn history

Baltimore is a great place for families to learn history

Today people consider the War of 1812 “the forgotten war” but visiting the Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine is a good place to earn about it. Wherever you go in Baltimore, the kids are bound to learn something—maybe without even realizing they’re getting a history lessons.

Some museums are more than worth the admission

Some museums are more than worth the admission

Certainly you could spend all of your time in Washington, DC without paying to enter a museum—there are plenty of free ones to choose from. But two on our list are private and to the high school boys I’d taken to see the sites for the weekend they were worth the cost of admission.

Include a museum stop on your family’s Spring Break

Include a museum stop on your family’s Spring Break

Wherever you are this winter or wherever you’re planning to go for spring break (check out our ideas for Spring Break 2013, take time to visit a museum exhibit that would especially interest your family.

Historical events converge this week; families can participate

Historical events converge this week; families can participate

There is no better time than the week we celebrate Martin Luther King Day and the 150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation to embrace teachable moments with kids about slavery—no more so than at the Lincoln Memorial and Martin Luther King Memorial in Washington DC.

Explore the World Heritage of Ethiopia with the Children

Explore the World Heritage of Ethiopia with the Children

Africa and in particular Ethiopia may not cross many minds as being a number one choice for a family holiday. What you should know is that with 8 world heritage sites, some stunning scenery, and many opportunities to inspire and educate the children, Ethiopia may well be a fantastic destination for a family holiday.