To Philadelphia, the birthplace of the nation

To Philadelphia, the birthplace of the nation

“Many children were swept up in the drama of the American Revolution,” explained Dr. Elizabeth Grant, the director of education at the immersive the Museum of the American Revolution



On this trip in the Morrocan Desert, you go with your ideas and thoughts and you come back with a different perspective of life

Kids become revolutionaries in Philadelphia this summer

Kids become revolutionaries in Philadelphia this summer

The kids who visit the new Revolution Place, opening June 9, in the year-old Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia can do laundry in an army camp as well as get news just like from the “internet”

Making the most out of a national park visit

Making the most out of a national park visit

The National Park Service and the National Park Foundation are hoping you will #FindYourPark — or at least start thinking about what park you next want to visit, including the less visited ones — during National Park Week, which runs April 21 through April 29.

On an adventure in Belize

On an adventure in Belize

Lucy and Mick Fleming, a young adventurous couple, spontaneously bought an overgrown 140-acre farm and citrus orchard on the Macal River in Belize after meeting the owner in a bar in Belize City, about a two-hour drive away

For Big Family Fun in Atlanta, Think Small

For Big Family Fun in Atlanta, Think Small

When planning a family vacation in Atlanta, don’t make the mistake of thinking too big. Sure, Atlanta is sprawling, but when it comes to enjoying its many great attractions, thinking small lets you take in most of the top tourist spots.

Celebrating Martin Luther King Day

Celebrating Martin Luther King Day

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday this month, and African American History Month in February, there’s probably no better time to start that conversation with the kids. They’re likely studying Martin Luther King’s accomplishments in school — 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of his assassination on April 4, 1968.