Taking the Kids RVing

Taking the Kids RVing

The secret to this unusual road trip bliss: A 36-foot rented RV where the kids can be safely strapped in seatbelts but still able to play games at the table between them

Taking the Kids — away for Thanksgiving

Taking the Kids — away for Thanksgiving

Families increasingly are seizing Thanksgiving week for a family vacation. Families explain it is typically a slow week at work and school — some kids have the entire week off, and there may be fewer family obligations.

To Belize for sun, sand and adventure

To Belize for sun, sand and adventure

Belize boasts more than 500 species of fish and marine life. The water is so clear you can see the reef, sea turtles, rays and more from a kayak too

10 ways to savor fall — before it’s gone

10 ways to savor fall — before it’s gone

When was the last time you spent a day biking or hiking with the kids, crunching leaves under your feet and seeing who can spot the most colorful leaves? It’s not too late for fall foliage

Continuing the discussion about climate change

Continuing the discussion about climate change

Zoos, aquariums and science museums can also be excellent places to explore this important topic and start a dialog with kids — even young ones — about what they might do to be good environmental stewards

Celebrating Halloween throughout October

Celebrating Halloween throughout October

If you thought you had weeks left to get those costumes ready, think again. That’s because Halloween is now celebrated — big time — from theme parks to zoos, children’s museums to hotels and resorts all October long