In Phoenix, an amazing museum of musical instruments

In Phoenix, an amazing museum of musical instruments

There are other museums of musical instruments, but none with such an expansive collection from around the world—harps, zithers flutes and trumpets from the Middle East, African drums, a 17th century spinet and 20th century electric guitars…an Appalachian dulcimer, a ukulele, bagpipes and cymbals.

Re-living slavery and the Underground Railroad at Conner Prairie

Re-living slavery and the Underground Railroad at Conner Prairie

Here at the only Living History museum in the Midwest, kids can explore Prairie Town of 1836 where they take on the role of gardener or criminal or deputy and interact with the townspeople, running errands, sweeping floors, doing laundry, helping in the garden, cooking .

This fall, explore America off the beaten path

This fall, explore America off the beaten path

Take a fall weekend to explore a smaller city or region near your home and you’ll be amazed at what you find; especially if you let the kids lead the way. Honestly, before I got there, I wondered what Sioux Falls S.D. would have to offer a traveling family.

Visiting Orlando’s parks like the One Percent

Visiting Orlando’s parks like the One Percent

No waiting for buses, navigating crowded parking lots or walking more than you or your kids can take. Hall whisks you around Walt Disney World in a private car that he parks exactly where you want to be.

Finding new ways and places to celebrate July 4

Finding new ways and places to celebrate July 4

Maybe this July 4th you’ll be home marching or watching a local parade. Maybe you’ll be visiting the relatives and cheering on nieces and nephews as they march. Maybe you’ll be celebrating some place new, joining in special and unique celebrations.

Orlando treats you like a VIP

Orlando treats you like a VIP

Who doesn’t want to be treated like a VIP on vacation? We all do, of course, cutting lines, getting pampered, seeing what most tourists don’t. Orlando offers plenty of VIP options for the entire family—assuming you’re willing to pay extra for the privilege, of course.

Getting out of the bubble while on vacation

Getting out of the bubble while on vacation

Tourists need to get the message that it is safe to venture out of their manicured hotels. “You will really feel the love,” he promises, and here the crime rate is very low. He introduces me to Jahealo Calvin Clunie who shows off his paintings and carvings.

Lower Manhattan is New York’s must-see destination

Lower Manhattan is New York’s must-see destination

We’re talking about Lower Manhattan — specifically the area south of Chambers Street that’s surrounded by water on three sides. In 2011, a record 9.8 million tourists visited Lower Manhattan — 800,000 more than the previous year.

At the 9/11 Memorial on a cold, snowy morning

At the 9/11 Memorial on a cold, snowy morning

Every one of our boys parents are immigrants—from Africa, Mexico, Jamaica and Trinidad, from other places. They learned that had they been immigrants in the 1870s living here, they would have worked 10 hours a day rather than go to school…