Seven teen boys share NYC penthouse for a weekend

Seven teen boys share NYC penthouse for a weekend

Some of my friends thought I was nuts. When I won a weekend stay at the Hilton New York’s five-bedroom penthouse, I invited along seven teenagers to share the fun at New York’s largest hotel.

Dreaming BIG when you take the kids

Dreaming BIG when you take the kids

Even in the same family, travel styles—and travel dreams—differ widely. One person’s dream is another’s nightmare. You know what I’m talking about if you’ve ever been backpacking with someone whose idea of roughing it is a hotel without a blow drier or room service.

Where would you take the kids on vacation if money is no object

Where would you take the kids on vacation if money is no object

Travelocity and TakingtheKids collaborated on a new poll asking families just that — where they’d take their kids on their “dream trip,” if money was no object. According to the results from the 1,500 people polled, it’s clear that no matter how bad the economy, when it comes to our vacation wish list, we dream big.

At Mystic Seaport-Aquarium with two Fresh Air Fund boys

At Mystic Seaport-Aquarium with two Fresh Air Fund boys

It’s easy to see why Juno the Beluga is a star here at Mystic Aquarium as well as a YouTube sensation— “dancing” to a Mariachi Band. He’s a growing boy, just like Jason and Enesi, the two 12-year-old boys who have left New York’s inner city, courtesy of the Fresh Air Fund to spend a week with us. We wanted to show the boys a place they’d never been and somewhere quintessentially New England, since they are spending 10 days in Connecticut, and what better place than Mystic?

How to combat your family’s nature deficit

How to combat your family’s nature deficit

The next time you’re thinking about hiring a private soccer coach, more violin lessons or a new video game, take the kids for a walk in the woods instead. Inject a little nature on your next vacation too, even if you’re heading to New York City (how about a long walk through Central Park?) or Orlando (get up close and personal with the manatees, or go fishing). You’ll all be the better for it. …

Sailing into the land of the Ice Bears

Sailing into the land of the Ice Bears

We were told the night before to be prepared for middle-of-the-night sightings here in the Arctic north of Longyearbyen, Norway. “You can sleep any time,” exploration leader Lisa Trotter had told us the night before. We’ve been instructed to have binoculars, cameras, mittens and hats always at the ready (It’s cold here—just 40 degrees today!)

Memories of a hot air balloon adventure in Albuquerque NM

Memories of a hot air balloon adventure in Albuquerque NM

I wasn’t dreaming. We were floating high above Albuquerque, N.M., in a giant, rainbow-colored hot air balloon. We gave each other one of those I-can’t-believe-we’re-here grins that made every argument we’d had on our Southwest road trip fade away. Every vacation should have at least one standout moment like this.