At the 9/11 Memorial Museum with unique teen guides

At the 9/11 Memorial Museum with unique teen guides

David Rothblatt has been a New Yorker all his life but his sole memory of 9/11 was being with his mom as she searched for a store to buy milk. Fia adds that next year’s high school freshmen will have been born after 9/11. “Kids need to know even if it is hard,” she and David agreed.

The New York Met and Madame Tussauds with teens

The New York Met and Madame Tussauds with teens

If only the Metropolitan Museum of Art had life-sized wax figures of Degas, Monet and Picasso. I’m joking, of course, but I was thinking that watching how much fun our group of high schoolers was having at MME Tussauds NYC.

Teaching the kids about civil rights at our national monuments

Teaching the kids about civil rights at our national monuments

If you want to expand on what the kids are learning in school, then head to a national park. That’s right. There are many national historic sites that figured into the fight against slavery and the civil rights movement and are ideal for out-of-the-classroom learning opportunities, especially when so many are offering special activities this month.

Kids rule at London’s newly expanded Imperial War Museum

Kids rule at London’s newly expanded Imperial War Museum

Follow the local kids. That’s a good plan when you are exploring a new city with your gang. That’s what we did recently at the newly expanded Imperial War Museum in London, which was teeming with enthusiastic British families.